At one point or another in our lives, we’ve all suffered from acne or dark spots. After the pimple goes away, the damage is done and we’re left with those stubborn little dark spots on our face.
If you want to remove dark spots (thanks to breakouts and sun exposure), Dr. Mary Lee Amerian and the staff at The Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Dermatology Center can help!
Let’s Get Rid of Those Dark Spots & Acne Scars!
We use the most effective medications, state-of-the-art techniques and the most modern technologies available to get rid of those stubborn dark spots and breakouts. Each client will receive a customized treatment program to ensure each treatment works and you leave with radiant skin.
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If you want to remove those dark spots fast, come visit us. Depending on your scarring and skin type, the doctors at Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center will set you up with a chemical peel, microdermabrasion, facials or laser therapy.
Chemical Peels
The Glycolic Acid Peel is great to revitalize skin that is appearing dull, while also helping improve the appearance of brown spots and acne. Anyone who has ever gotten a Glycolic Acid Peel will tell you their skin feels “refreshed.” The TCA Peel is a more aggressive skincare treatment, repairing damage from the sun, and lessen brown discolorations.
Intense Pulse Light / PhotoFacial
This facial is a non-surgical solution for skin discoloration, including brown spots (also known as age spots and sun spots) and/or the redness of rosacea, broken capillaries, and spider veins. This gentle technology evens out skin tone and helps you look younger and more refreshed. This facial is perfect for you if you have dark spots on your face, neck or chest, and will help improve your overall skin tone.
Lasers are the ideal treatment for your acne/dark spots. They instantly help reduce hyperpigmentation, leaving your skin looking healthy and glowing.
The Fraxel Restore Dual Laser is designed for patients who want long-lasting improvements with no downtime. It improves skin texture, abnormal brown pigment, brown spots, acne scars, and other facial scars.
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Mary Lee Amerian and the doctors at Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Dermatology Center can help you finally rid those stubborn dark spots and acne scars.
Call (310) 829-9396 today for more info on how Mary Lee Amerian can help remove dark spots and acne scars.
Let’s Get Rid of Those Dark Spots & Acne Scars!