Lip Injections: Which Filler is Right for You?
With so many lip injections or fillers on the market it can be tough to decide which one is right for you so we’ve compiled a lip filler guide to help you understand the differences between some of the most commonly used lip fillers and how to select the best option for your needs.
Ideal For: Softening and smoothing lip lines
Results Duration: Up to 1 year
Volbella, the latest addition to the Juvederm family, is not intended to add volume to the lips. Instead, the smooth gel consistency of Volbella works to softens the lines and wrinkles above, below, and on the lips for a natural-looking feel. This is a great filler to add more structure and definition to your lips. It uses a formula with a lower concentration of hyaluronic acid to provide a subtle, yet natural final result.
Ideal For: Plumping the lips (increasing volume), enhancing the horizontal spread of the lip (rather than lifting)
Results Duration: 9 months to 1 year
Juvederm Ultra XC is a great lip injection for increasing lip volume. Patients are able to achieve luscious and fuller lips that are still soft to the touch. Juvederm can also be used to shape and enhance the lip line. This is a great entry level filler for the lips to see what a soft filler will do for the lips. One syringe of 1 mL is generally sufficient for both upper and lower lip enhancement. The “XC” denotes that the filler contains 0.3% of crystalized lidocaine to numb the lips as it is injected.
Ideal For: Lifting the lips and enhancing shape (provides subtle lip volume)
Results Duration: 6 to 9 months
Restylane-L is the first FDA approved filler for the lips. This filler is great for patients who need sharper definition along the borders of the lips rather than just volumizing. This lip filler has a relatively high viscosity which helps to maintain shape. The L -means that the Restylane also has 0.3% of crystalized lidocaine. The results of Restylane-L appear very natural while adding structure and volume to the lip.
The right lip filler for you will depend on your unique needs and goals. Keep in mind that the goal of lip augmentation isn’t to make the lips as big as possible, but rather to enhance their size and shape while still maintaining the balance and proportions of your other facial features. Understanding proper lip proportions and how to achieve a balanced look that stays in harmony with the rest of your facial features is an important aspect of getting the natural results you’re looking for.
If you are looking to increase your lip volume a lot more, remember that multiple syringes are needed. Our doctors believe in creating natural looking results over several sessions as to not distort your own natural lip shape.
For your own comfort, we will apply a topical numbing cream 15 minutes before your injection. The Hyaluronic Fillers also have lidocaine in them to help with the discomfort.
As always Mary Lee Amerian M.D. Dermatology recommends setting up a Complimentary consultation with Dr. Amerian or Dr. Anterasian to discuss your lip goals and learn what filler will be best for you! Give us a call today at (310) 829-9396 to set up your consultation.