Ah – finally, no pimples. Your skin is calm and for once your acne isn’t acting up. But no matter what you try to do to cover up the dark spots on your skin, they’re always there. Even after you apply a few layers or concealer you can still see these stubborn dark spots on skin. So, what are you supposed to do? All you want is a spot-free face! Worry no more, Dr. Amerian and Dr. Anterasian of the Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center are here to help.
Why We Get Dark Spots on Skin
Dark spots on the skin are a common problem that is caused by a variety of factors and is mainly found in young adults. These spots are not a cause for harm, but they can definitely cause low self-esteem.
These dark spots are also known as hyperpigmentation, which happens when the skin has been exposed to the sun’s harsh rays and has an increase in melanocyte cell production. In other words, don’t go out in the sun without wearing some sort of sun protection because it will affect your skin.
Aging is another large factor of why we get dark spots on skin. Those who have spent a lot of time in the sun are almost guaranteed to see an increase of dark spots around the age of 40. It’s important to have proper skin care from a young age in order for to stay smooth and wrinkle-free.
Remedies for Dark Spots on Skin
There are many remedies and at-home treatments for dark spots. These remedies usually only work for the lightest and smallest dark spots. If your dark spots are more severe and you’ve already tried some at-home remedies, it may be time to go visit your local dermatologist. They will help you come up with a skin care treatment plan so you can finally start seeing noticeable results. Here are a few of our favorite dark spots on skin remedies:
Fraxel Restore Dual Laser Treatment
The Fraxel Restore Dual Laser is designed for patients who want long-lasting improvements with no downtime. It improves skin texture, abnormal brown pigment, brown spots, acne scars, and other facial scars.
PicoSure Laser Skin Revitalization
PicoSure, which is also the amazing laser that allows us to offer the latest advancement in tattoo removal technology – can also remove or reduce a variety of unwanted pigments like age spots, freckles, and birthmarks.
Lasers are the ideal treatment for your acne/dark spots. They instantly help reduce hyperpigmentation, leaving your skin looking healthy and glowing.
Glycolic Acid Peel
The Glycolic Acid Peel is great to revitalize skin that is appearing dull, while also helping improve the appearance of brown spots and acne. Anyone who has ever gotten a Glycolic Acid Peel will tell you their skin feels “refreshed.” The TCA Peel is a more aggressive skin care treatment, repairing damage from the sun, and lessen brown discolorations.
IPL PhotoFacial
This facial is a non-surgical solution for skin discoloration, including brown spots (also known as age spots and sun spots) and/or the redness of rosacea, broken capillaries, and spider veins. This gentle technology evens out skin tone and helps you look younger and more refreshed.
This facial is perfect for you if you have dark spots on your face, neck or chest, and will help improve your overall skin tone.
If you’re tired of letting dark spots take over your skin, come see one of our talented dermatologist and skin care experts at the Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center.
If you’re tired of letting dark spots take over your skin, come see one of our talented dermatologist and skin care experts at the Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center. Come see us for a beauty consultation – it’s completely free. Let’s get started – call us at (310) 906-4048 or BOOK ONLINE.