What is the Fraxel Laser?


The Fraxel Restore Laser assists in decreasing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, brown spots, sun spots, age spots, and acne scarring, revealing a smoother, more youthful, and rejuvenated skin in approximately 30 minutes. After Fraxel Restore laser treatment, fine lines and wrinkles are improved, skin texture is much smoother, and skin crepiness is reduced. In addition, brown spots are lessened and the skin color becomes more even and uniform. Acne scars and any other scars are also improved. Optimum results are generally achieved by a series of 4 to 5 treatment sessions spaced three to four weeks apart.


How Does it Work?


The Fraxel Restore laser utilizes a new technology called Fractional Resurfacing. With Fractional Resurfacing Technology, only a fraction of the skin receives the laser light. The laser delivers a series of microscopic closely spaced laser spots to the skin while simultaneously preserving normal healthy skin between the laser spots. This preservation of healthy skin results in rapid healing following the laser treatment with no recovery downtime. Patients can return to work immediately after their treatment or the next day.


In this episode of TLC’s Ten Years Younger, Dr. Mary Lee Amerian performed the Fraxel Laser procedure on Cindy:


The Fraxel Restore laser became available in April of 2004, and Dr. Amerian and Dr. Anterasian were among the first physicians in Los Angeles to obtain this laser and make it available to our patients. As a result, we have gained extensive experience with the Fraxel laser. In our office, Dr. Anterasian has performed over 1400 consecutive Fraxel laser procedures with excellent results. Our patients have truly enjoyed the smoother, more youthful, and rejuvenated skin that Fraxel laser treatments provide.