In this newsletter
Dr. Amerian Featured on TLC’s Show “Ten Years Younger”
Dr. Mary Lee Amerian was recently chosen by The Learning Channel (TLC) to be a dermatologist on their new show “Ten Years Younger.” If you have not yet seen the show, the patients on the show undergo a series of non-surgical treatments and enhancements designed to optimize their appearance and help them to look “Ten Years Younger.” Doing the show has been a lot of fun.
Dr. Amerian has treated nine patients thus far for the show, and several of the episodes have already been aired on television. Dr. Amerian has used the Fraxel Laser, the Intense Pulsed Light/FotoFacial treatment, the Polaris wrinkle reduction system, the Thermage Procedure, the Vbeam laser, and the AmerianTronic Facial to help these patients look “Ten Years Younger.” Watch for her on TLC. The next two episodes will air on Thursday February 10th and Thursday February 17th, both episodes at 3:00 P.M. “We hope you enjoy the show.”
The Polaris Wrinkle Reduction System”
The Polaris is a new method for treating wrinkles without surgery. It is FDA approved for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles. New York Magazine has named the Polaris the Best Anti-Aging Treatment. The Polaris uses a new technology known as “ELOS,” an abbreviation for electro optical synergy. With ELOS technology, radio frequency energy is combined with light energy to stimulate collagen production, and reduce or eliminate wrinkles.
Polaris treatments require no special preparation. The entire face can be treated in thirty to forty minutes, and make-up can be applied immediately after the procedure. Patients can resume their normal activities as soon as they leave the office.
We are very excited about this new wrinkle reduction technology. Although the regular price of a series of five Polaris treatments is usually $4000, in honor of Valentine’s Day we are reducing the price to $2850 during February and March, in order to make the treatment available to more of our patients. We are currently holding consultations with patients who desire treatment for facial wrinkles. Patients who believe they would benefit from Polaris treatments or who have questions about their facial wrinkles are invited to discuss this problem with either Dr. Amerian or Dr. Anterasian.