Thermage is a non-surgical, non-invasive radio frequency technique that tightens and lifts sagging skin, effectively smoothing lines and wrinkles. Used on the face and eyelids, it can take years off your appearance in a subtle, natural way.

“CPT” stands for Comfort Pulse Technology, and it has made the Thermage procedure more comfortable for patients.

Thermage CPT

This advanced technology is a non-surgical facelift that tightens skin without lasers, needles, or injections. It is very effective for subtly tightening and lifting mild to moderate sagging of the facial skin.

The tightening results are immediate, but the Thermage treatment also promotes new collagen production for further improvement during the four months following the procedure. The results from Thermage will last for a few years.

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Eyelid Thermage CPT

Now, Thermage can also be used as a non-surgical eyelid lift. The CPT technology allows for a comfortable treatment to tighten and lift sagging eyelids and to smooth wrinkles.

If you have eyelid hooding that diminishes the beauty of your eyes and makes you look older, Eyelid Thermage CPT could be an excellent procedure for you without the need for incisions. This procedure also reduces under-eye bags and helps the eyes look brighter, more open, and more prominent.

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Polaris is an FDA approved method for treating wrinkles on the face and neck without surgery. Ideal candidates for Polaris have mild or moderate facial wrinkling. The Polaris can be used to treat wrinkles on the face, fine wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet), and wrinkles around the mouth. 

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Service Type
Provider Name
Santa Monica Laser & Skin Care Center, Telephone No.(310) 746-5720
Santa Monica | Los Angeles | Beverly Hills
Thermage is a non-surgical facelift that tightens skin without lasers, needles, or injections.