Botox Injections
in Santa Monica
Santa Monica’s Most Trusted Botox Service Center
Do your facial wrinkles make you feel older than you are? Botox injections can help make those lines and wrinkles less obvious and improve your self-confidence. Santa Monica, CA dermatologist, shares some information about this popular cosmetic treatment.
Frown lines are the result of squinting eyebrows into a fold. These folds and furrows are caused by the repeated action of underlying muscles. Years of squinting and frowning tend to leave deep wrinkles in the skin between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose, across the forehead, and at the corners of the eyes. Frown lines may produce an angry look that can detract from a pleasant facial appearance.
The dermatologist at the Santa Monica Laser & Skin Care Center can soften these wrinkles and lines by a simple injection of botulinum toxin.
Botox Injections is a proven and effective anti-aging treatment for softening wrinkles that have been caused by muscle activity. Injections are placed under the skin to create a more youthful appearance.
Dr. Amerian and Dr. Anterasian have been treating patients with BOTOX at Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center since the injections first became available as a wrinkle reducer more than 20 years ago. During that time, they have performed thousands of these procedures and have extensive experience with this treatment. This has allowed them to develop a personal approach to the use of this medication in order to create a very natural-looking result.
In our office, BOTOX injections are always individualized, based upon what each person needs. It is not a “one size fits all” procedure. In some cases, a combination of fillers for wrinkles caused by muscle activity and Dermal Fillers for wrinkles caused by lost volume in the face may be preferable to achieve the best possible outcome.
This particular dermal filler consists of a purified protein that relaxes the muscles that cause wrinkles, effectively smoothing the skin over those wrinkles.
Made of botulinum toxin, BOTOX Cosmetic is very safe. This same product has been used for decades to alleviate facial spasms, even in children.
BOTOX relaxes the underlying facial muscles so that lines and wrinkles in the face are reduced, giving a more relaxed and rejuvenated appearance. In many cases, wrinkles are completely eliminated, and at a minimum, significant softening of the wrinkles occurs. Our patients have consistently been very pleased with their results at our office.
Yes, we know everyone’s skin is different. That’s why we take the time needed to find a unique solution that fits your needs. When we’re not treating you, we’re researching new dermatology technologies, and prescription and non-prescription products to offer you the best in skin care available today.
View the before and after pictures of our very own patients who were treated here.
Request an Appointment
Are you ready to begin Botox treatment in Santa Monica, CA at Santa Monica Laser & Skin Care Center? Request an appointment below or call (310) 829-9396 and schedule an appointment today. Try Botox for younger, smooth skin!

Telephone No.(310) 746-5720