RSVP For Our Special Evening Event on Non-Surgical Fat Removal
On Thursday April 27th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, our office will host a special evening event on non-surgical fat removal with the SculpSure laser. The event will include an educational session as well as a live patient demonstration of the SculpSure procedure. Special discounts on non-surgical body shaping procedures will be available for all those in attendance that night.
Refreshments will be served and all attendees will be enrolled in a raffle and are eligible to win free MLA Skincare products, free Botox, and a free facial. Space is limited and RSVP’s will be taken on a first-come first-served basis.
We invite all of our patients to call our office and confirm your reservation. It should be a fun and educational evening! We look forward to seeing you on April 27th.
Start Getting Ready for Summer! Have your SculpSure Treatment in March or April to See Results Before the Summer Swim Season
SculpSure is a new treatment for non-invasive fat removal that some of our patients may not yet be familiar with. We were one of the first offices in California to obtain the SculpSure laser, and we have had our SculpSure device for about 18 months now. We have treated about 150 patients and our patients have been quite satisfied with the results that we have achieved with the SculpSure treatment.
SculpSure is FDA approved for the non-invasive reduction of fat in the abdomen and in the love handle areas, and it can be used to treat many other areas of fat on the body as well. SculpSure treatments result in noticeable and natural looking fat reduction in the treated areas.
Ideal candidates for the SculpSure procedure are men and women who have pockets of fat on their abdomen, love handles, or other areas of their body that cannot be reduced with diet and exercise, and who are near their correct body weight. SculpSure is especially helpful when the fat bulge cannot be reduced by diet and exercise alone.
The SculpSure device is a laser. The laser light is shined on the skin for 25 minutes, during which the laser light heats the fat under the skin and initiates a process that leads to the loss of fat cells. SculpSure treatment reduces fat by 20-25%, and the results become visible over the next 2 to 3 months. For this reason, any of our patients who wish to reduce their fat bulges before summer (without having surgery or liposuction) should have their SculpSure treatments performed soon. That way, the results will be visible by the time we head into the summer months.
We invite any of our patients who may be interested in having a non-surgical fat reducing procedure to call our office and make an appointment for a complementary consultation with Dr. Anterasian.
Dr. Amerian Selected as a Southern California Super Doctor by L.A. Magazine

Once again, we are proud to announce that Dr. Amerian has been selected by her peers as one of L.A. Magazine’s “Super Doctors” for 2017. Selection as a “Super Doctor” is made based upon the recommendations of practicing physicians and other medical professionals. Dr. Amerian has received this honor every year since 2009. In 2017, only a small fraction of dermatologists in the Los Angeles area were chosen to be Southern California Super Doctors. Thus, it is quite an honor to be selected. The complete list of Southern California SuperDoctors can be seen in the January 2017 edition of Los Angeles Magazine.
I want to thank my colleagues for selecting me to receive this award. It is truly an honor. I also thank all of my patients who allow me to treat their medical and cosmetic skin care needs, and I look forward to continuing to care for you for many more years to come.
-Mary Lee Amerian, MD
5 Do’s and Don’ts for Men’s Skin Care

A man’s skin differs from a woman’s skin in several ways. A man’s facial skin is typically thicker and generally not as sensitive as a woman’s skin. In addition, men shave, and this can cause irritation and razor bumps in some men.
Here are 5 do’s and don’ts to help men care for their skin.
5 Do’s
- Wash your face daily: Men’s skin is oilier than women’s skin due to the production of testosterone. For this reason, men may need a stronger cleanser.
- Keep well hydrated: Every man should use a basic moisturizer with sunscreen. This will restore moisture to the skin and protect the skin from the sun. Over the long run, a moisturizer-sunscreen combination will help prevent the signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sun spots. In addition, drink plenty of water; water contributes significantly to skin hydration.
- Use sunscreen: If you are going to be outside, you will also need to use a sunscreen. There are many sunscreens available that will do a good job. Always pick a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, and remember to reapply it every few hours. And also very important, don’t forget to wear a hat to give additional sun protection to your face!
- Live a healthy lifestyle, with a good diet and a good exercise program: Your skin is the largest organ in the body. It reflects your overall level of health. To keep your skin looking healthy, you have to keep your body healthy too. So maintain a good diet, exercise regularly, consume alcohol in moderation, and don’t smoke.
- Apply vitamins and antioxidants: Antioxidants are important because they protect the skin from free radical damage. Antioxidant serums should contain vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A smoothes the skin, reverses sun damage, and enhances the cellular turnover rate. Vitamin C and Vitamin E prevent free-radical damage.
5 Don’ts
- Don’t skimp on sleep: Getting enough sleep is important for your overall health. For your skin to look healthy the body has to be healthy too. A healthy body requires enough sleep, generally 6-8 hours each night.
- Don’t ignore the medical condition of your skin: If you haven’t had a skin check in a while, make a point of having your skin checked by a dermatologist. A dermatologist can check for any worrisome moles and possible skin cancer.
- Don’t take long hot showers: This will remove the natural moisturizing lipids from the skin. It is better to take a short lukewarm shower, no longer than ten minutes. After your shower or bath, gently pat the skin until almost dry, and then apply a good body moisturizer while the skin is still damp. This will help lock in the moisture in the upper layers of the skin.
- Don’t forget lip balm: Often, men forget to take care of their lips. Just like the rest of the face, lips are very sensitive to the sun, and are a common site of cancers. Lips can be protected from the sun with a lip balm that contains an SPF.
- Don’t exfoliate too much: Exfoliation is good for the skin, so long as you don’t do it too much. There is no need to exfoliate your skin every day. Once or twice a week is enough. If you exfoliate too much, you run can irritate the skin, and cause dryness and redness. Exfoliation unclogs the pores, cleanses the skin, and promotes skin cell regeneration. These are all good for the skin, and they help keep the skin looking its best. Just don’t overdo it!
By following these guidelines men too can keep their skin looking healthy and youthful.