We can’t stop the clock when it comes to getting older, but we can fight against and slow down the signs of aging. Whether it’s slowly over time or suddenly overnight, there comes a day when you notice the person in the mirror isn’t as young or smooth as they used to be. Our skin directly reflects how we take care of our body. The best way to fight early signs of aging is to prevent them from happening in the first place.
It’s likely you’ll start noticing early signs of aging in your 20s; the wrinkles on your forehead that stay there even when you’re not raising your eyebrows; laugh lines; sunspots. Everyone’s skin ages differently depending on lifestyles and our genes. The dermatologists, at the Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center, have broken down five early signs of aging and what you can do to fight them.
1. Sunspots
Sunspots are one of the first signs of aging. You may not notice them at first, but they start out at little freckles on your nose and next thing you know, your chest is completely covered in sunspots.
Protecting your skin from the sun should be the most important part of your skincare routine; It’s the best way to fight early signs of aging. If you already have sun spots, there are laser treatments, such as Fraxel or PicoSure that will help remove pigmentation and restore your skin’s healthy glow.
2. Tiny Fine Lines
Isn’t it annoying when your makeup starts setting into those fine lines and teeny wrinkles underneath your eyes and around your mouth? To fight against these signs of aging, make sure you’re using a daily moisturizer every morning and night. Before putting on your makeup, try using a primer; this will prevent your makeup from setting in fine lines.
Believe it or not, the best way to fight early signs of aging such as fine lines, it to get preventative Botox. Talk to your dermatologist about a Botox plan that will give you the results you’ve been looking for.
3. Crow’s Feet
Crow’s feet are one the earliest signs of aging that we all dread; they lurk in the corner of our eyes and are even more noticeable when we smile. This is a problem most twentysomething patients really notice first.
Make sure you’re not squinting and always wear sunglasses when you’re out in the sun to prevent damage from happening in the first place. Ask your dermatologist about a skin care cream with retinol in it. Head over to this blog to learn more about preventing crow’s feet.
4. Dull Skin
When we’re young, our skin is glowing, dewy, smooth and radiant. Don’t you wish it could stay like that forever? But as we get older, the top layer of our skin begins to lose its glow and becomes dull.
The good news is, these are one of the early signs of aging that can be easily treated with some regular exfoliation and a glycolic acid peel or microdermabrasion. This will boost cell turnover and get rid of dry, dull skin.
5. Puffy Eyes
The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and most fragile amongst your whole body. The first signs of aging usually appear around our eyes. We constantly look tired because are our eyes are puffy or there are bags under our eyes.
Try cutting out sodium and alcohol from your diet. They cause your body to retain water, which could be causing your eyes to puff up. Also, be gentle when you’re applying or removing makeup from your eyes. Be sure to never rub your eyes.
If you need more help stoping the signs of aging in its tracks, the doctors at the Santa Monica Laser and Skin Care Center are here to help! They can answer any questions you may have during your free beauty consultation and make a treatment plan just for you. Let’s get started – call us at (310) 906-4048 or BOOK ONLINE.